Como instalar o surfer 9
Como instalar o surfer 9

This is good when you want to “grow into” the foam. The difference is original expands (foams up) when setting and fills available space. You want original, not clear, for repairing boards. You could probably skip this and use a UART on the RPi The price has gone up a bit, presumably to account for the connector. Since then they’ve upgraded the sensor-side connector to a WetLink Pentrator – looks way more convenient. I figured that was easier than cutting, soldering and worrying about waterproofing the joint. With mine, I had to cut a trench in the board to put the cable in there, and it was much longer than needed.


The version of this I bought had potted connectors on both ends, which was a bit of a pain to install in a board.

como instalar o surfer 9

I started with the Pi Pico, but upgraded when I realized: a) The python libraries for the sonar would need significant rework b) It’d be quite nice to have wifi I miss my plug-in Dremel which I gave away.) Small saw (the one on my Leatherman Wave worked nicely).1 3/4” Hole saw (or slightly bigger I guess if you can find one).It was fun and it works so I figured I’d share all the details here. Along the way I also learned some things about my surfboard, glue, wireless power, etc. I figured I could build a depth sensing sonar into my board and maybe I’d learn a thing or two about the sand underneath me, the dynamics of waves, and maybe even improve my surfing.

como instalar o surfer 9

One day I decided to stop wondering and find out. At beach breaks like San Onofre Bluffs, the best place to wait for a good wave is right over a sandbar, and the sandbars can move around from day to day. Waves generally break when they enter shallow water (there are various conflicting formulas for figuring out exactly how shallow).

como instalar o surfer 9

Out surfing, I often wonder how deep the water is, and suspect based on wave behavior that I’m over a deep spot or a shallow spot. (yes, I’ve rotated the text to the correct direction since then) Why Putting a sonar depth sensor into a surfboard

  • Putting a sonar depth sensor into a surfboard.

  • Como instalar o surfer 9